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Biohacking Superhuman Performance

Feb 7, 2023

My guest this week is Dr. Dominik Nischwitz, aka Dr. Dome, of DNA Health & Aesthetics - Center for Biological Dentistry & Health Optimization.

As an all-telling gateway to the body, oral status is a crucial step in getting well and optimizing health. Are you prone to cavities? Tartar build up? Bad Breath? Have amalgam/mercury fillings? Root canals? Need an implant but not sure what is best? Stuck in your health journey? Current diet failing your health goals? Tried everything to optimize your health, yet still cannot achieve 'superhuman health'?

Dr. Dominik Nischwitz, is not only a Naturopathic Doctor but he is also a Biological Dentist. With his whole body approach and specialty in oral health, he gets massive results with his patients. (His comprehensive protocol is not for the faint of heart!)

If you cannot hop across the big pond to see him and experience his amazing biohacking clinic (depending on where you are listening), the good news is he shares so many tips and resources in Episode 137 and on his social channels so you can achieve your goal: optimal health!

And a special course discount for listeners to learn more about supercharging your oral health visit: here


Follow Dr. Dome:






Episode Sponsors

Berkeley Life is dedicated to supporting healthy nitric oxide levels—a vital molecule made in the body, responsible for vasodilation and circulation. As we age we produce less, resulting in diminished blood flow.  Nitric oxide also has topical impacts (I LOVE the new face serum!). Orders can only be made using a practitioner code. You can use mine: NIDDBL for 10% off. Visit

BiOptimizers: Holiday stress means we end up depleted of magnesium, which is a critical mineral that helps us to manage over 300 processes in our body and get deep, restorative sleep. Taking the right form is even more important! So what’s the solution? Magnesium Breakthrough; the only full-spectrum magnesium supplement with 7 unique forms of magnesium that your body actually absorbs.  Visit here and use code bionat10 for a discount.






Episode Takeways

[05:40] Dr.Dome & what holistic dentistry really is…

[14:00] Root canals and festering pockets of bacteria…

[19:00] Become superhuman: How to correct microbiome imbalance in the mouth...

[30:15] Titanium implants in the body, is there a way to mitigate health issues?..

[37:30] Alternatives to root canals…

[42:00] Wisdom teeth myth? And what to do...

[50:00] Best way to eat for oral health?..

[55:00] What to do if you have a root canal?..

[01:02:15] Using HRV to know what diet works best…






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